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/ Money in the 90s / Money in the 90s - Windows (Laser Resources, Inc.)(1994).iso / picture2 / 0592c24a.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-10  |  212KB  |  477x496  |  8-bit (253 colors)
Labels: grandstand | monitor | railing | reckoner | sky | skyscraper
OCR: THE BEST SAVINGS YIELDS JN THEU.S Bank Telephont ratne Institutlor [statel 120 imastaen numbe MONEY EMARKET ACCOUNTS AFBAIndustrlal Bant [caib)] $1.003 800 776-2265 Key Bank U.S.A SN.Y. 2.500 800-872.5553 INHT 25 5,005 800-821-9049 aStandard Pacitic: SaninrsiCalf. 1.000 800-332-4653 ColanialNatfona Bank[0el] RF 5,000 800.241-7306 SIX-MONTH CDS Southem PacifiaThrift&Loan 6,000 310-204 -2913 Citihank/s.D 2.500 200-248-16591 Colontal National Bank 10el.1 25 2,500 530 441 7306 Continenta Saviligs brAmericas ICalifi PL 41-861-555- New Engtand IFederal Samngs Mosa 5,000 873-338-1 1888 ONE-YEARCD First Bant of Philadelnhia FIC 215 -793. 0006 SouthemPadllc Theift 15.17 5.330 310-204-2913 Fidelity Baink [Calf.] 5.00 1.050 833-232-2305 New England Fedaral SavingaMassd 5.000 805.339-1 1888 AFBA Ind t ...